Welcome to The All-Ability Games, Rotary North East’s Games for Disabled People.

23rd of June 2024 Middlesbrough Sports Village TS4 3AW

An eagerly anticipated annual event, the games offer all participants the opportunity to compete in, or perhaps just try for the first time, a wide range of indoor and outdoor sports.

Entries are free and are invited from persons
of all ages and disabilities. Fun with friendly competition, the games will be a memorable and enjoyable day for all involved. Along with our Patron Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, one of the greatest British Paralympians of all time, expect to bump into several other well-known sporting celebrities. And while you’re cheering and supporting your teams, don’t forget to watch the demonstration events during the day! Entries are welcome from organisations and from individuals. Family members and carers are encouraged to attend and give support to the participants.

We need volunteers to help with marshalling the event on the day. If you would like to help out then please email us at volunteers@erimusrotary.org

List of events you might like to try you can register on the day


This is carpet bowls, played indoors. Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome.  The event is run on a knock-out basis.


Dart boards are available to suit both standing and wheel chair competitors. Individual scores are recorded and highest score wins.


Provision is made for standing, wheel chair and seated players. The event is run on a knock-out basis.

Table Tennis

Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome. The event is run on a knock-out basis.


Standing, wheelchair and seated competitors are welcome. Winners are determined on the basis of total points scored.


Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome. Each competitor is given safe and full instructions on using the bows and arrows, fired at standard archery targets. Winners are chosen by highest scores.


Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome. A choice of ‘shots’ is available. Winners are chosen by longest ‘putt’.


Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome. A choice of javelins is available and winners are chosen by longest throw.


Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome to attempt to throw a Frisbee as far as possible. Winners are chosen by longest distance achieved.

Wheelchair Slalom

This event is open to all both self-propelled and electric wheelchair competitors with the objective to complete the course in the quickest time.

Wheelchair Dash

This event is open to all both self-propelled and electric wheelchair competitors on a 60m long course with the objective to complete the course in the quickest time.

Outdoor Cricket

In addition to an organised team game there are cricket related skills available, such as throwing, hitting and catching to provide enjoyable challenges.

Sit-down Volleyball

The game is played, from a sitting position, with a low net on a badminton court and is suitable for all disabled competitors.

Football & Walking Football

Matches are played on an outdoor pitch, 5 a-side with male, female or mixed teams, at walking pace at all times.

Distance Club

Standing and wheel chair competitors are welcome. Each competitor throws three clubs and the winners are chosen by longest throw

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